Sustainable Services

Transforming challenges into business opportunities.


Coaching to explore your own style of innovation


Team coaching to bridge gaps and find inherent solutions


Organization design that helps businesses and non-profit-organizations evolve and adapt to new directions


Change programs that enable leaders to take charge of their transformation and navigate disruptions with confidence


Facilitation of multi-stakeholder dialogue processes that align individual needs and collective vision


Developing strategy and narratives that involve your stakeholders and drive participation and action


Selected Approaches.

Understand the individual and the diversity of groups through ID37, a science-based model of the individual and groups.

Efficiently and effectively manage agile environments through the Objectives & Key Results method (OKR).

Design and apply dialogue processes shaped by the issues and challenges of an organization and fueled by the insights of Processwork (established by Amy and Arnold Mindell and Max Schupbach). Processwork (also known as Worldwork or Deep Democracy) relies on techniques derived from science of complexity, physics and psychology.

Unleash creativity and outside-the-box-thinking for brands and innovations through Design Thinking and Design Sprint techniques.